The Dropkick Murphys @ Irving Plaza, NYC – 3.9.15
March 13, 2015 | Concert Photography
I’ve been taking photos of Dropkick Murphys since the late 90s. It’s always great to see them live and I saw night 2 out of 3 at Irving Plaza. For more in-depth review, swing over to ReadJunk.com.
I didn’t take as many photos of Dropkicks as I did Mahones. I just find more to shoot with the Mahones than Dropkick Murphys. The lighting was decent in spots and than it wasn’t. Try to make the best of it I guess. I took out the 14-24mm lens for some songs so I could get Al Barr and Ken Casey going up close to the crowd. I remember the last time I took photos of them, they have something like that so knew the super wide angle would be cool to use. I wish I had more time to shoot their set because some members lose out on decent shots. I mainly focused on Al a lot of the time since he was moving around the most.
Later on, I watched the set from the VIP area and took a few photos. I went upstairs to try to get a couple of shots up there as well. Had to do a few hail marys to get over people’s heads though.
The Full Gallery Set
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Tags: celtic punk, Concert Photography, Dropkick Muprhys, irving plaza, Nikon D800, nyc, punk rock
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