Murphy’s Law @ Apple Stomp: Day 1, Irving Plaza, NYC – 5.31.13
June 6, 2013 | Concert Photography
Murphy’s Law played after Metro Stylee, and was just a tad different than them in just about everything.
For more extensive review of the Apple Stomp, read my reviews of Day 1 and Day 2.
Murphy’s Law were a bit of challenge to photograph, just for the fact that Jimmy Gestapo didn’t want to be on the stage. Though that makes for good photographs, when the lighting is good anyway. Sometimes it was too dark to get a good shot or I wasn’t in a good enough angle to get a decent shot of Jimmy singing to the crowd. I got a lot of great shots of the band on stage, and ended up shooting 4 songs because the first was an instrumental I think.
I never saw a band pass out a cupcake to the crowd before so that was a first. Was it a “special” cupcake? I don’t know. I was disappointed that I didn’t get a picture of Jimmy with the cupcake but got a few of the crowd scarfing it down.
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Tags: Apple Stomp, Concert Photography, hardcore, irving plaza, Jimmy Gestapo, Murphy's Law, Nikon D800, nyc, NYHC, punk rock
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