Metro Stylee @ Apple Stomp: Day 1, Irving Plaza, NYC – 5.31.13
June 5, 2013 | Concert Photography
Metro Stylee were one of the bands at Apple Stomp that haven’t played in over 13 years. They admitted to being nervous but I thought they did just fine.
For more extensive review of the Apple Stomp, read my reviews of Day 1 and Day 2.
I’ve photographed Metro Stylee in the past, but with my old film camera. Yeah that’s how long the band has been away. I was happy to get some new photos of the group, even though the lighting was kind of stinko for the first two songs. For some reason, this set the lighting mixtures was making everyone look all weird so I kept making the photos into black & white. Sometimes the b/w just looks better than someone with purple or green skin.
At one point Coolie came out to sing and that was a nice moment. I kind of wished I got a better shot of that but I’m short and had to shoot over people’s heads haha.
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Prints in this set are available for purchase! You’ll certainly help me out if you bought a print or two! They make lovely gifts. Just Let me know which photo(s) you’re interested in (please provide alt tag or #) and I’ll give you a quote. Photos are also available for licensing to your website, magazine, facebook page, etc. as well.
Tags: Apple Stomp, Concert Photography, coolie ranx, irving plaza, Metro Stylee, Nikon D800, ska
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