Edna’s Goldfish @ Skalapalooza 2012 at Gramercy Theatre, NYC – 10.21.12
October 22, 2012 | Concert Photography
Holy 1997 Batman! I can’t even remember when the last time I saw Edna’s Goldfish but it had to be around 2000, I think? It was great to see the band I used to see every other show back in the late ’90s. All the members have gone on to do other things but they came back for 1 night on the Skalapalooza tour in NYC to rock the house!
The guys got together I believe twice before last night to reunite. Once for a benefit in Long Island and the other a few years ago at Bamboozle. I didn’t go to either so I was stoked to see Edna’s Goldfish. As soon as the band came on, it brought back memories of Skater’s World, where I saw them a million times. A venue where you can play the arcade, roller skate and watch ska and punk shows.
Edna’s Goldfish were just as energetic as they were back in the day. Bands like that are always fun to shoot. Same as the other sets, the lighting was great and used the same lenses, shot around iso 2500-3200. I kept missing some jump shots or they kept coming out too blurry. I hate when that happens. My twin brother Matt was shooting alongside me and got an awesome shot of the band in mid-air, that bastard! haha.
I hope that the band realizes that people still like their music and they decide to reunite at least once a year, but I doubt that will happen.
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Tags: 24-70, 70-200mm f2.8, Concert Photography, coolie ranx, Edna's Goldfish, edna's goldfish reunion, Gramercy Theatre, long island ska, nikon d300, nyc, October 21st 2012, pilfers, ska, ska photos, Skalapalooza 2012
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