Pilfers @ Skalapalooza 2012 at Gramercy Theatre, NYC – 10.21.12
October 22, 2012 | Concert Photography
Pilfers were the final act on the Skalapalooza 2012 show, and even though their set was a little late in the evening; that wasn’t going to stop the crowd or band from having fun! Pilfers will always be one of my favorite bands to photograph!
I was suppose to film something with the band for BeforeTheConcert.com but traffic and other chaotic things got in the way sadly. But it was still great to shoot the band with my brother Matt, Michelle Ska and one other person. The pit wasn’t packed, which is fine by me. Nice to move around in the pit. The first song was a bit smokey on stage (well in the crowd too), so sometimes it proved a little difficult to capture the band but I shot a ton of photos. Obviously I shot a lot, this set has freakin 70 photos in it haha. There’s just so many photos to pick from so it’s hard to leave some on the cutting room floor. Believe it or not, I would have had more shots if they came in focus and weren’t blurry. Sometimes I don’t realize what shutter speed I’m shooting at and then it comes out too blurry because it’s a slow shutter. But regardless of that, I have PLENTY of other shots that came out great!
During the 3 songs, Coolie and Vinny were jumping around like usual, Nick was rockin’ the guitar solos up front, and Anna was smiling and posing for photos like she has been doing all these years when I shoot their concerts. Sadly, drummer James was hiding in the dark part of the stage surround by the drums so it was hard to get shots of him. At one point, Coolie was interacting with the crowd and there was no front lighting and it was just blue back lighting. It ended up being my favorite shot of the night. It just looked so cool to me! It might have helped a little to have some front lighting but it still looks cool.
The band is playing all next weekend too so get your ass over to NJ, CT and Boston for some awesome shows! ELEVATION!
I’ll have my full review up on ReadJunk.com soon/tomorrow morning.
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Buy Prints/ License Photos
If you’re interested in purchasing prints or licensing these photos, be sure to contact me at [email protected] I’m currently trying to save up for a new camera so any little bit helps!
Tags: 24-70mm f2.8, Anna Milat-Meyer, Concert Photography, coolie ranx, elevation!, Gramercy Theatre, James Blanck, Nick Bacon, nikon d300, nyc, October 21st 2012, pilfers, ska, ska photos, Skalapalooza 2012, vinny nobile
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