High School Football Heroes @ Cake Shop, NYC – 5.30.14
June 7, 2014 | Concert Photography
Never saw High School Football Heroes before but they were a lot of fun to photograph! Yadda yadda yadda, review at ReadJunk.com.
It seemed like everybody was there to see High School Football Heroes since this was a reunion of sorts. The first time they played in NYC in 8 years they said. Like the other sets, I sat in my little spot on the right hand side of the tiny club and used my flash for majority of the set. Everybody was pushing their way up front to sing along, and it made it a blast to photograph that. At one point, my buddy and fellow photographer Nick Karp came from another show to see High School Football Heroes. Too bad he was blocking my way and throwing “Hail Marys” to get his shots 🙂 I got a photo of him when he least expected it.
The Full Gallery Set
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Tags: Apple Womp, Cake Shop, Cake Stomp, Concert Photography, High School Football Heroes, Nikon D800, nyc, ska punk
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