The White Buffalo @ Irving Plaza, NYC – 4.18.14
April 20, 2014 | Concert Photography
The White Buffalo co-headlined the show at Irving Plaza so we got a nice hour long set from Jake Smith, Tommy Andrews and Matt Lynott. Read my full review over at ReadJunk.com, where I talk more about the actual concert.
The White Buffalo was fun to photograph, and thankfully they had the best lighting of the 3 bands. I always like when Irving Plaza has decent enough lighting, especially the blue & green lighting. The 3 songs didn’t really have red in it and I was happy about that. I wish I got a chance to photograph the band for more than 3 songs because the lighting got even better after that, plus the guys moved around the stage more. Unfortunately, Matt wasn’t light at all along with everyone else in the back of the stage for this show. Tommy was the best light and he moved around a lot, it made for some great pictures. He was one of the more active bass players I’ve seen in recent memory.
Like the other sets, I used the 24-70mm f2.8 lens, shot around 1/125-1/250 with an ISO of 3200-4000. I took a few photos with the 85mm f1.8 lens when Chuck Ragan came out to play “BB Guns and Dirtbikes.” It’s a nice lens but it’s a bit tricky to get the focus right. I can’t wait to see The White Buffalo again! These guys were incredible!
The Full Gallery Set
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Tags: Concert Photography, irving plaza, Jake Smith, Matt Lynott, Nikon D800, nyc, The White Buffalo, Tommy Andrews
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