7Horse @ Highline Ballroom, NYC – 2.20.13
February 22, 2013 | Concert Photography
The opening band for the dada 20th anniversary show at Highline Ballroom was 7Horse. I didn’t know until after the fact that the 2 members (Phil Leavitt, Joie Calio) of 7Horse were also in dada, and this was their side band. I guess that explains an opening band performing for an hour. The band was a lot of fun and were an interesting band to photograph though!
7Horse have a bluesy, honky tonk & rock and roll sound. I can picture these guys playing behind barbed wire fencing and everybody throwing beer cans like in Blues Brothers. I liked their live performance and the music was rockin’ too. The drummer looked like Andy Serkis (when he’s not playing Gollum) with that bowler hat on (haha).
The lighting was really good at the Highline Ballroom, and very colorful might I add. It was nice finally being able to take some decent photos of a drummer, since they are always hiding in the back. I could have gotten closer to take some shots but figured I’d let the paying customers sit up front & dance. For this set, I mostly used my telephoto lens, 70-200 f2.8. I did use the 24-70mm f2.8 lens for a few shots though but mainly stuck to the back of the room.
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Tags: 24-70mm f2.8, 70-200mm f2.8, 7Horse, Concert Photography, dada, highline ballroom, Joie Calio, music photography, new york city, Nikon D800, nyc, Phil Leavitt
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