The Push Stars @ The Bowery Electric, NYC - 9.29.17 (11)

The Push Stars @ The Bowery Electric, NYC – 9.29.17

October 1, 2017 | Concert Photography

The Push Stars performed at The Bowery Electric in NYC on September 29th 2017. You can read my review of the show over at

For the Push Stars set, I went right up in front so I could get some cool shots plus so I could sing & dance as well. Been listening to the band for 14 plus years, I gotta show my support and they had plenty of it in the venue that night.

Since I was so close, I mainly stuck with the super wide angle lens 14-24mm f2.8 and 24-70mm f2.8 lens. Lighting was the same, although felt a little bluer this set. I shot around ISO 3200 for the whole night so thankfully photos aren’t too grainy.

I love shooting The Push Stars and if you’re in the area where they are playing, check them out and listen to their new album when it comes out…whenever that is.

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