Authority Zero @ Irving Plaza, NYC - 3.30.14 (20)

Authority Zero @ Irving Plaza, NYC – 3.30.14

April 2, 2014 | Concert Photography

The band I was there to see, Authority Zero, ended up being a highlight of the show (for me anyway). Their set was awesome and they always put on a hell of a show. Read my review of their set at

Thankfully the lighting was better because Jason likes to move around a bunch. Like I said the last time I photographed the band, he jumps around like a monkey. Usually he does a bunch of jumping and I get a few jump shots but only managed to capture one this time, but his head was cut off. Oh well, next time. The lighting still could have been a lot better but I made the best of it I guess. I got a bunch of cool shots of Jason, and some decent ones of the other guys. There’s one shot of Jason head-banging and you can see all the sweat from his head flying off. Pretty neat!

Anyway, be sure to check out for an acoustic session with Jason after their set. I wanted to film before the doors opened but couldn’t find the time to do it, so it’s an after the concert session. Like the page on Facebook and follow on Twitter.

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