Great Big Sea @ The Town Hall, NYC – 4.19.13
April 21, 2013 | Concert Photography
Great Big Sea returned to New York City after take a bit of a break of touring. Their absence was missed but they returned strong with their 20th anniversary show at The Town Hall near Times Square. The venue was sold out so clearly I wasn’t the only one missing GBS in concert!
If you would like to read my review of the show, please check out ReadJunk.com.
I asked an usher what the photography rules in the venue since I never shot their before. He said no flash so I thought okay, great I can shoot anywhere. Before the show started, I parked myself in the middle of the stage in the aisle. I shot two songs in that area and was trying to stay out of the way of the audience. They were all standing up so I was doing the same. If they were sitting down I would have been kneeling. Eventually one of the Town Hall managers tells me if I want to shoot, I have to shoot in the back of the club. I apologized and said I didn’t know.
I’m happy I got away with shooting two songs up close though. Shooting in the back and sides of seated venues isn’t fun and doesn’t produced the best shots. I shot one song in the back and on the side and then went to my seat to enjoy the rest of the show. I did take my camera out every once and awhile though. For the show, I used the 24-70mm f2.8 lens in the beginning before switching to 70-200mm f2.8 lens. The lighting was pretty good and bright, so I didn’t need to shoot higher than ISO 2000. I wish I got to shoot more of the show, and more up close but seated venues are tricky (and annoying haha).
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Tags: Alan Doyle, Bob Hallett, celtic, Concert Photography, great big sea, Kris MacFarlane, Murray Foster, new york city, Nikon D800, nyc, Séan McCann, The Town Hall
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