Paris, France Honeymoon – Day 4 – 7.21.11
October 7, 2011 | Travel Photography
Day 4 was another day of museums and sights in Paris. Kristen and I visited Musée d’Orsay, Musée Rodin, Musée de l’Orangerie, the Louvre again, and walked near the Notre Dame. Later that night, we took some night time shots at the Louvre, and took a stroll on the Rue De Rivoli.
The D’Orsay was the first stop of the day. Sadly we weren’t allowed to use cameras inside which stunk since it looked cool inside. This must have been the only museum we couldn’t use cameras. Even the Louvre allowed photos! The museum used to be an old train station that has been converted into a museum. There’s a lot of great impressionistic paintings there, including some Van Gogh’s and Picasso’s. Whistler’s Mother was also there which was neat to finally see in person. After being there for 2 hours or so, we walked down to the Rodin museum.
The museum was excellent and quite beautiful. Thankfully it wasn’t raining when Kristen and I walked the gardens. There’s a ton of sculptures spread out on the grounds, and the background is pretty with a pond and statues. It kind of reminded me of Dublin’s Powerscourt Gardens a little, but not as big. After walking around outside, we ventured inside which was good since it started to rain. Notice a pattern here with the weather?? Just shit luck.
After the Rodin museum, we had one of our favorite meals in Saint Germain area. Kristen had some fish meal that looked didn’t look pleasant (me=not a fish person) and I went with the safe choice of pesto pasta. After lunch, we went to another smaller museum, Musée de l’Orangerie, that featured a lot of BIG Monet’s lily pad paintings. Considering we just saw this in person the other day, it made the visit here extra special.
We decided to go back to the Louvre since we didn’t see everything we wanted to see. So we did for a little bit. Walked back to the Saint Michel afterwards, and strolled by the Notre Dame as well. Later that evening we came back to the Louvre to take pictures outside and goof off a little bit. As we were walking home, we heard music. Kristen and I decided to check it out and the music was coming from a big festival being held at Hotel de Ville near Notre Dame. I believe it was a 3 day music festival called FNAC Live (Le Festival Fnac Live). The one band we saw were called AaRON (Artificial Animals Riding On Neverland). The songs we heard sounded pretty good! I was actually surprised that I liked them, they had a Coldplay/piano rock type of sound. The one song I recognized that I really enjoy was called “Blow.” They were singing it in French when we saw them though. We left after a couple of songs since it was after 11pm now. By the way, it was REALLY weird to have it be light out until 9 or 10pm at night. I felt like a loser going to bed when it was still light out the first few nights haha.
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Tags: 24-70mm f2.8, flower photography, flowers, FNAC Live, france, French, gardens, giverny, honeymoon, Latin Quarter, Le Festival Fnac Live, louvre, Musée d'Orsay, Musée de l'Orangerie, Musée Rodin, museum, nikon d300, Notre Dame, paris, rain photography, Saint Germain, Saint Michel
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