PVT @ Brooklyn Bowl, Brooklyn, NY – 3-30-11
April 16, 2011 | Concert Photography
PVT were up next after The Family Band at the Brooklyn Bowl. PVT (formerly known as Pivot) is a three-piece band from Sydney Australia, and play this experimental, electronic/noise rock music.
The lighting was better for PVT than the Family Band, but it was a lot of blue lighting. Blue light can sometimes be okay if you can tweak it in editing. Sometimes I like to knock down the saturation, or just make it black & white. The bodies under blue lighting look like something out of Tron; red lighting is even worse. There was an occasional bright yellow/red lighting at sometimes, which I snapped away to take advantage of that. For this set, I used the 50mm f1.4 and 70-20mm 2.8 lens for the most part. I took out my wide angle lens 18-70mm f3.5-4.5 to get different shots of the guitarist/bass guitarist/singer/everything. Thankfully this will be the last show that I use the 18-70mm lens since I bought the wonderful 24-70mm f2.8 lens right after this show.
Musically, I’m not really into this band but It was fun shooting them. They were energetic and really into their set.
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Tags: 50mm f1.4, 70-200mm f2.8, Brooklyn, Brooklyn Bowl, Concert Photography, nikon d300, Pivot, PVT
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