Memorial Day Weekend Trip to Boston – 5.25.08
May 27, 2008 | Photography, Travel Photography
Film composer John Williams was performing at Boston Symphony Hall again and I wanted to go see him again. He was set to play music from Indiana Jones, Harry Potter and other scores he composed. Kristen and I went over to her CT apartment Friday night, and left for Boston Saturday morning. First thing in the morning, I had to deal with my car getting run into at the Hamden Starbucks in the parking lot (another story for another time), and then it was off to Boston, Ma. What a wonderful way to start off a mini-vacation! NOT!
Other than getting stuck in toll booth traffic, the ride was smooth sailing and the rest of the trip was excellent. Before the concert, we walked around the Prudential Center and Newbury Street. Figures the one time I don’t bring my camera, there are all these guys walking around looking like zombies. I was kicking myself for that one. I bought some shorts since it was suppose to be warm the next day. I should have brought some but I needed a new pair anyway. I like Newbury Street but I get bored with it pretty fast. The John Williams concert was fantastic and he played music from Far and Away, paid tribute to David Lean movies and played the music from Doctor Zhivago, Oliver Twist and Lawrence of Arabia. He came back from intermission to play a wonderful set of Harry Potter music with narration from actress Lynn Redgrave. Williams performed new music from Indiana Jones (“Adventures of Mutt”) in the encore, as well the classic “Raiders March.” He ended the night with the tear-jerking theme to ET. It was just a great concert to see and if you ever get the chance to see John Williams, do so!
The next day, we checked out of the hotel and parked the car at the nearest parking garage. We took the subway to the New England Aquarium and the subway was so much easier to use than New York City’s subway system. Before getting to the Aquarium, we had to a cross a street; except there was a small marathon going on. If you ever played the game Frogger, that’s how I felt trying to cross the street. I probably wasn’t supposed to cross but whatever, I needed to get to the other side. The aquarium was really good, and the penguins were really cute. The rest of the aquarium was just as good. Thankfully we got there early because more & more people were starting to show up. The remainder of the day, we just walked around the city, ate some food, ate some great pastries, walked some more, and saw some historic stuff on the Freedom Trail. After that, we drove home from New York and passed out. Below are some of the photos from trip:
The Entire Gallery
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Tags: aquarium, boston, freedom trail, memorial day weekend, old north church, penguins
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